About me

About me

Hello flowery readers!
So, you want to know something more about me...

My name is Martha and I'm half Italian and half German. I also have a blog in Italian if you want to check it out, it's called Bookdust Sparkle. As you can see I wasn't satisfied with just one blog, I had to try in opening another one. I decided to write in English because I've been studying this language for 12 years now and I really want to keep on getting better. So, this little platform can help me with this goal.

Other than that, I love reading and I'm always searching for people to talk to about this passion. I've discovered that I like writing posts with my thoughts on different books and then having a conversation with other readers, it can be quite interesting and fun.
I mostly read YA Fantasy, but I've recently dived into the world of Adult Fantasy, in particular High Fantasy and I'm enjoying my ride. I also read  Dystopians, Magical Realism, Historical Fantasy, Fiction, some Contemporaries and Classics. 

When I read I always have a cup of tea near me, it may be a stereotypical habit, but I love it, specifically white floral tea.

Some of my favorite books/series are:
- YA Fantasy: "Strange the Dreamer" and "Daughter of Smoke and Bone" by Laini Taylor, "Shadowhunters TMI" by Cassandra Clare, "The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern;
- High Fantasy: "Cronache del Mondo Emerso" by Licia Troisi
- Classics: "The Picture of Dorina Gray" by Wilde, "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by Goethe, "The Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis" by Foscolo, "1984" by Orwell, "The Metamorphosis" by Kafka;
- Fiction: "Ocean Sea" by Alessandro Baricco, "The Art of being Fragile" by Alessandro D'Avenia;
- Contemporaries: "The hate U Give" by Angie Thomas. "Eliza and Her Monsters" by Francesca Zappia
- Dystopians: "Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins, "Vox" by Christina Dalcher, "The Program" by Suzanne Young, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry
