The Reading Rush - Day 3

The Reading Rush
- Day 3 -

Hello flowery readers,
Day 3 was the least satisfying day so far, but it was enjoyable.

I started by continuing to read "Beloved" by Toni Morrison in the garden and this read is shocking me in so many ways. I don't know if I like it or not, I'm so confused and terribly sad for everything that is happening. However I feel like I need to know, I know so little about slavery and the way slaves were really treated in America, but it hurts me so much. I'm a very sensitive person, so only reading about suffering, abuses, violence, terrible punishments, destroys me. That's also because of the writing style, as I previously said, it's very brutal, honest and detailed, so that I can picture every scene and sometimes it's to much for me.
Other that that I'm having some problems with the characters, I don't understand them for now and this is confusing me even more. I'm starting to hate some of them so much, but I don't know if I feel so because they really are horrible people or only because I feel frustrated for not understanding them.

Anyhow I then stopped and started listening the audiobook for "The Importance of being Earnest" by oscar Wilde fort he prompt of "reading a book that starts with THE". I was having a hard time concentrating on physically reading a book, so I changed things up. I closed my eyes, put my earphones, started my audiobook and relaxed. I ended up finishing it in the evening and I really enjoyed the story. It was funny, I laughed out loud a few times thanks to the dialogues and absurd situations. I love Wilde's writing style, so I already knew I was going to enjoy it, but now I can confirm it.  In particular i liked his critique of the aristocracy, which is mostly represented by Lady Bracknell, from her way of speaking and from the things she is interested in we get a clear image of a person who only thinks about money, good reputation, wealth and who sees marriage as an economic transaction.

As I said I went on with the audiobook, but before that I continued reading my physical book for a little bit. Nevertheless I got bored and started watching BookTube, as I often do and I really have to recommend you Alexandra Roselyn. I've started watching her videos only this year, but i simply find her a wonderful person, she's so cute and full of joy. When I watch her videos I feel so relaxed and cosy and I want to be her friend. And now she is daily-vlogging for TRR!

So, this was my third day. I wanted to finish "Beloved", but it's harder than I thought. It's not a problem for my goal of reading 7 books, because i managed to finish the audiobook anyways.

Pages read: 186
Books finished: 1
Challenges completed: 1
Tea counter: 3

That's it for today. I hope you're doing well and that you're reading wonderful books.
A little question, have you read something by Toni Morrison? If so, are her stories always so confusing?
