The Reading Rush - Day 5

The Reading Rush
- Day 5 -

Hello flowery readers,
the fifth day was a rough day, not in the sense that I didn't read, but only because I had to do some things in the morning and I ended up not reading as much as I wanted to.

My day started off by reading a little bit of "One Dark Throne" by Kendare Blake while having breakfast. I had already started this book some time ago, but now I picked it up again for this Read-A-Thon, counting only the pages that I actually read during this challenge.

I then had to go to the city center to get a language certificate from my school and also to get some things that I need for my stay at my relatives' house in Murano, as I'll leave on Monday.
So I got ready to go, but then it started raining. It wasn't so bad, it seemed to be only a light rain, but I waited a little bit, hoping that it would stop. It didn't and it was already 11 a.m., so I left despite the rain. And then it started raining a lot, with a freezing cold wind too, so yes, the weather made things more complicated. I was dressed as in a normal summer day and so I was cold at times, meaning every time that a gust of wind hit me. The only thing that kept me positive was the colourful way in which I was dressed, it gave me joy to be a dash of colour in a grey  day.

I managed to go to my school for the certificate, arriving a little bit soaked. Then I get out again in the city center, I got all I needed for my voyage and then I headed to the bookshop, because I can't go downtown without going there. So i got there and i simply couldn't resist, I had to get "Echi in Tempesta" by Christelle Dabos the fourth and final volume in the Mirror Visitor series, which in English could be translated as "Storm od Echoes". I was putting off buying this book, because I have so many to read that my uncle got me during the lockdown and also others that I got myself during that period. However it was stronger than me, I had to read it and finish the series. That gave me so much happiness and comfort, that I felt relieved from all the worries and the bad weather.

I came back home, feeling exhausted. I wore a pair of turners that I hate, but I had to do that to not get my feet wet and this was the problem. I suffered wearing those shoes, I couldn't walk well and I got blisters. But after having lunch  felt so much better. I took my blanket and a cup of black tea and started reading on my bed.

I am enjoying the story so far, things are getting darker and horrifying, the detailed descriptions of violent scenes continue and the things that happen are even more terrible and disturbing. The characters grow and change so much, but every transformation in motivated and well-written. I can't stand some of the characters that we get to know more in this second volume, like Nicolas, one of the pretenders, that has a strange and unmotivated fascination for everything violent and corrupted. That's it for now, this volume certainly doesn't suffer from the Second Book Sindrome, it could even be better than the first one.

Pages read: 117
Books finished: 0
Challenges completed: 0
Tea counter: 2

What do you think about Kendare Blake's series? Have you read some of her books?
And do you like rainy days? I usually hate them, except for really light rain in spring and summer or storms in the winter.
